Traveling, especially abroad, can be exciting and sometimes overwhelming. Between caring for your camera, juggling expensive lenses and keeping track of multiple memory cards – travel photography can be exhausting.
Here are 5 helpful tips for your next photography travels.
1. Embrace the morning
Become an early riser, you only live once! Imagine all the amazing scenery you can photograph before it gets crowded. Not only will you work with the day’s first light, you witness more of the local routine as they get ready for work or school. Mornings are great for reflection and who knows, you may also discover that special place that serves hot, fresh bread in the morning!
2. Think like a local
Engulf yourself to the day-to-day life of the culture. Enjoy the tourist attractions but make sure to dedicate some time to explore the local scene. Stroll through local neighborhoods, supermarkets and hidden local gems.
3. Stay tech simple
Don’t underestimate the power of simplicity – a simple point & shoot camera can go a long way! It’s small, light and won’t attract attention. Forget traveling with a laptop! Use an organizer for your memory cards and save the photo uploading until you return home. Having less expensive equipment to keep track of will keep you in present in the moment so you can enjoy the scenery around you.
4. Find the beauty in every view
Train your mind to find beauty wherever you are. Be aware of your surroundings, conversations and the actions that are taking place in the moment. It takes time to practice mindfulness but stay patient and you will soon discover that there is always a story to tell!
5. Keep a journal
Take a break away from technology. Traveling with a journal allows you to reflect on your travels, thoughts and emotions. Fill your journal with writing, local newspaper clippings, sketches, unique souvenirs (tree leaves, napkins, ticket stubs, etc.) and anything else that will revive your travel experience when you return home.