Outside the Lens

Event Calendar

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Work. Play. Love. Exhibition

Friday, April 3 2020 5:30 PM

Collaborate across cultures with other teens from Hungary and the United States. Exchange your ideas, photos and perspective through platforms such as Google Hangouts, and Instagram. Outside the Lens and the Hungarian Open Air Museum will lead this online virtual community as we explore archival photographs, objects, and cultural assets from families, cultural centers, and communities centered on the themes of work, play, and love. Then we will produce photos and poetry that represent what work, play, and love looks like in our homes, schools, and communities.

Primary participants in the virtual exchange will be 10 youth ages 14-25 from each country (20 total participants), with opportunities for participation by adult volunteers who are educators, media professionals, and culture-bearers. US participants will be recruited from Outside the Lens classrooms and programs; Outside the Lens provides digital media education to approximately 800 youth annually, including cultural exchange and leadership programs and routinely recruits participants for similar programs. Hungarian Open Air Museum participants will be recruited through partnerships with local youth organizations such as high schools, lyceums, and the youth centers. Hungarian Open Air Museum will announce the project at the beginning of February through a social media platform, and flyers will be posted in the partner organizations. Through interviews, young people will be selected based on their interest in preserving the culture; those who have some experience working with technical equipment; those who have good writing skills. Youth participants will be selected based on their availability and commitment to participation in the exchange (virtual and/or in person), and connection and interest in the theme. Adult participants will be selected based on their ability and interest in serving as mentors to youth participants, and the ability to participate in exercises and dialogue.

Work. Play. Love. Exhibition